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August 15, 1967: The Birth of a Divine Era with Saint Dr. MSG| Celebrating the Incarnation Month

Saints are not ordinary individuals who are born. They are celestial messengers sent by the Almighty Himself to guide humanity towards the path of enlightenment and righteousness. 

Their whole lives are a living embodiment of divine virtues, dedicated to the welfare of every single creature in the universe. They encompass compassion, wisdom, and a profound sense of the real purpose of life. 

One such divine incarnation graced the world on August 15, 1967- Revered Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, who is endearingly known as Saint Dr. MSG or Baba Ram Rahim. His arrival was not just a historical event but a celestial event that heralded a new chapter in the journey of spiritual awakening and humanitarian service.

The Golden Incarnation Day: August 15, 1967

The belief in the incarnation of saints, or avatars, holds that their arrival on Earth is not a mere coincidence but a manifestation guided by divine decree. Only those who are chosen by the Supreme Power serve the divine purpose and bestow the essence of divinity. 

On August 15, 1967, with the divine decree of the Almighty, Revered Saint Dr. MSG incarnated. His respected parents, Mata Naseeb Kaur Ji, and Sardar Maghar Singh Ji, were overjoyed by the birth of their son after 18 years of wait. It was an incredible moment when a divine figure took birth to remove the worries and sorrows of people worldwide.

A Glimpse into His Childhood

Born in the village of Sri Gurusar Modia in Rajasthan, India, Revered Saint Dr. MSG’s early years were marked by a unique blend of simplicity and profound spirituality. Even as a child, he exhibited extraordinary qualities of compassion, kindness, and an innate desire to serve others. 

Since his birth, Revered Saint Dr. MSG had a deep connection to the divine and an unwavering faith in God. In his childhood, He was a brilliant child with extraordinary capabilities in sports and remained ever-ready to extend a helping hand to anyone in need. He was known for his empathetic nature, often going out of his way to assist the elderly, feed the hungry, and comfort the distressed. 

Those who are descendants of the Almighty God have dedicated themselves to humanity since their birth. They are connected with the Almighty every moment and their life’s each fraction is devoted to the welfare of mankind. Revered Saint Dr. MSG set its epitome in the most appropriate manner by working tirelessly to uplift mankind in every possible manner. 

The Embrace of Divine Grace

In a world where many pretend to be divine figures, it is uncommon to see a saint who truly carries the weight of his children’s sorrows. Claiming to be a Guru is a different aspect and having such qualities to bring positive transformation in the world without taking anything in return is what makes one a True Guru. 

The presence of Revered Saint Dr. MSG is a soothing balm to wounded hearts, alleviating the pains of every soul. All creatures of the Almighty are children of a true saint, and Revered Saint Dr. MSG proves this with his ultimate compassionate nature.

His divine grace and benevolence redefined the meaning of a saint who is selfless, and his life’s every moment is dedicated to uplifting mankind, uprooting negativity, and helping people embrace goodness & positivity. In this embrace of divine grace, myriads got the true purpose of living, an assured way to salvation, and a turning out as an example of what a human being should be. 

Today, millions of followers feel the privilege of having such a Guru who keeps His thoughts in his disciples and keeps blessing them with his limitless grace. 

A Life Dedicated to Humanity

In 1990, Revered Saint Dr. MSG was handed over the spiritual reign of Dera Sacha Sauda by Revered Shah Satnam Ji. Since then, Revered Guruji has connected millions of disciples with God’s name and manifested them the way to salvation. 

Guruji’s teachings emphasize universal love, equality, and the importance of living a life dedicated to helping others. Under his guidance, Dera Sacha Sauda has flourished, impacting millions of lives worldwide.

Revered Saint Dr. MSG’s spiritual journey is an inspiring tale of devotion and enlightenment. He has always emphasized the significance of inner purity, meditation, and a strong moral compass. His discourses are filled with wisdom, encouraging followers to lead lives of integrity, humility, and selflessness.

The best part is that his approach to spirituality is inclusive and compassionate. He teaches that every soul is divine and worthy of love and respect. His emphasis on service to humanity as a path to spiritual growth has inspired countless individuals to engage in acts of kindness and charity. It is indeed sowing seeds of harmony and unity among all, which is the need of the hour. Where we witness distress, anger, and conflicts everywhere, the teachings of Revered Guruji bring about a positive revolution in the thoughts of people at large. 

163 Welfare Initiatives- A Gateway to Uplift Humanity

The 163 welfare initiatives led by Guruji are a boon for society. Whether it’s about animals, birds, children, youngsters, women, men, or the elderly, Guruji leaves no stone unturned to help the needy. 

One recent initiative involved volunteers visiting old-age homes to share the pain of abandoned parents, providing them with comfort and companionship. This particular initiative instills life in those who lost all their hopes. They regain the purpose of their living after discovering these compassionate individuals who extend care to them just as their own parents. 

Every gesture and word of Guruji exemplifies the epitome of selflessness, touching lives with profound grace. His teachings inspire us to extend a helping hand to the needy, sharing the joys and sorrows of all beings, and embracing the spirit of unity and compassion.

Some of the key initiatives include, 

Blood Donation Drives

Dera Sacha Sauda holds the world record for the largest blood donation drives, providing much-needed blood to individuals and saving countless lives.

Cleanliness Campaigns

Inspired by Revered Saint Dr. MSG’s call for a cleaner environment, volunteers participate in large-scale cleanliness drives, helping to beautify cities and villages.

Medical Camps

Free medical camps provide healthcare services to those who cannot afford them, ensuring that everyone has access to essential medical care.

Disaster Relief

During natural disasters, Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers are among the first to respond, providing food, shelter, and medical aid to the affected.

Environmental Conservation

Dr. MSG has initiated numerous tree-planting campaigns and other environmental conservation efforts to combat climate change and protect natural resources.

Many more are covered under the bracket of 163 welfare initiatives that are providing relief to the whole society. 

A Deep Impact of A True Guru on Millions of Lives

The sermons of a true Guru, when followed, extend their benefits not just to the individual but to the entire universe. Revered Saint Dr. MSG’s teachings have inspired millions to lead lives of purity, kindness, and service. His guidance has brought peace, happiness, and spiritual fulfillment to his followers, making a positive impact on the world.

Guruji has devoted his life to a multitude of noble causes, transcending the boundaries of religion, caste, and creed. His mission is to unite people with each other and with Almighty God, besides emphasizing the principles of love, unity, and service to humanity. 

Through his teachings, he has inspired countless individuals to embrace a life of righteousness, selflessness, and devotion. His impact is not limited to the spiritual realm but is vividly evident in the transformative changes he has spearheaded in society. 

Revered Saint Dr. MSG’s dedication to improving lives and fostering a better world exemplifies the true essence of saintly service. His life and teachings continue to illuminate the path for many, guiding them toward a more compassionate and enlightened existence.

Today, millions of followers are taught to live by the principles of truth, non-violence, and universal brotherhood, thereby fostering a harmonious and compassionate society.

A Caring, Loving, and Benevolent Mentor

Though being a spiritual leader, running a great organization, and possessing worldly talents, Guruji remains humble, always learning from others. He meets everyone with folded hands and speaks humbly, swelling hearts with deep reverence. His profound impact echoes through the selfless works of his volunteers, who embody his teachings in their actions.

Their dedication to their followers and the broader community is unparalleled. Guruji treats everyone with love and respect, offering guidance and support to those in need. His life is a shining example of selflessness, with every fraction of it dedicated to mankind and welfare.

Being so benevolent and caring, Guruji keeps engaging with everyone directly to understand their challenges and provide solutions. His compassionate nature has earned him the love and respect of millions, who see him not just as a spiritual guide but as a father figure and a friend.

The Teachings of Saint Dr. MSG Thriving Humanity Worldwide

The dedicated volunteers of Dera Sacha Sauda are the torchbearers of humanity globally. Their commitment to serving mankind exemplifies the true essence of selflessness. By following the teachings of Revered Guruji, they have embarked on a remarkable journey of uplifting lives. Their compassion and willingness to risk their own lives to save others are beyond words.

Their actions speak louder than words, showcasing the deep impact of Guruji’s teachings. History witnesses their fearless acts in saving people from adverse situations. During the recent floods in North India, these volunteers displayed extraordinary determination and courage, tirelessly saving people, animals, and all creatures of the Almighty.

From providing food, milk, drinking water, and medical kits to rescuing people from risky areas and arranging fodder for animals, their selfless service remained in the highlights. These actions are a direct result of Guruji’s teachings, creating a ripple effect in society at large.

Celebration by Welfare

It is rightly said that the teachings of true saints help disciples progress on the spiritual and humanitarian path. Following the teachings of Revered Guruji, Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers celebrate the whole month of August by participating in welfare activities. Not just on the sacred Incarnation Day, August 15, they celebrate each day of this month by planting trees, donating blood, and performing other welfare works to give a special present to Guruji. Their celebrations prevail in the whole month and they try their level best to gift their master in a unique, special, and humanitarian way.

Saints are living examples of righteousness and true virtues. Disciples cultivate their values and qualities in their own lives. We are grateful to have a true spiritual master whose values are bringing a positive revolution in society.

With hearts filled with gratitude and reverence, we wish you all a very Happy Incarnation Month of Revered Saint Dr. MSG!

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