Welfare Works

Dera Sacha Sauda Send Relief Train To Orissa Cyclone Victims

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The Relief train to Orissa being loaded
20th October, 1999, the super cyclone that struck Orissa affected the lives of millions in a very tragic way. The winds blew at the speed of 250 km/h and 6 districts were destroyed beyond recognition. The cyclone that was named the Paradip Cyclone shook the lands and people of Orissa. This was the severest cyclone that had hit India after the 1971 cyclone. Over 1,00,000 people died, nearly 20,00,000 people were rendered homeless, 9,00,00,000 trees were destroyed, 25 lac heads of cattle were killed and 50,00,000 farmers lost their livelihood. Crops were destroyed over 17,000 sq.km and the cyclone pushed Orissa back into the vortex of pre-historic existence and gave a serious setback to the development process.

Immediately upon receiving the news, Guruji became concerned about the plight of residents of Orissa. Guruji pledged that while the damage was unimaginable but Dera Sacha Sauda would do whatever it took to help the people of Orissa. It was on the night of 11th November, when Guruji came to the railway station where a goods train of 30 railcars was arranged as a special relief train from Dera Sacha Sauda, to the cyclone affected in Orissa. Guruji supervised and helped the volunteers arrange the goods in the right fashion. At the railway station, Guruji pledged that Dera shall do everything in its power to help the orphan children, their education and their upbringing. The devotees engaged in arranging the relief material in the train with full favour. After 4 hours, the all 30 railcars were filled with the relief materials. 26,000 quintals of relief material including food, clothing etc. were put in it. On the morning of 12th November, the train chugged its way towards Orissa. A posse of volunteers accompanied the train and finally the relief materials were distributed in the most affected district of Jagatsinghpur. In Jagatsinghpur alone, 8,100 people had been killed. For the next 25 days, the volunteers were engaged in helping the cyclone affected people.This effort was made after a preliminary survey and the distribution was entrusted to the volunteers.

The ‘Little Roses’- Big contribution- the little ones play their part. Shah Satnam Ji Girls School Students with their truckload of contributions for Orissa Cyclone victims.

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