Tree Plantation

Mother Earth got adorned with more than 37 lakh trees on 55th Incarnation Day of Saint Dr MSG

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37 lakh trees planted on 55th Incarnation Day of Saint Dr MSG

When true Saints incarnate, the whole universe experiences unique vibes of infinite joy and tranquillity. Such spiritual bliss was felt by the cosmos and spiritually awoke souls on 15th August 1967, when Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan incarnated in the pious village of Shri Gurusarmodia. The present Spiritual Master of Dera Sacha Suada, also famously known as Saint Dr MSG, is well known for unique and record setting welfare works. 

Mega Tree Plantation Drive

On the occasion of Revered Guruji’s 55th Incarnation Day, the followers of Dera Sacha Sauda did massive Tree Plantation Drive under which 37,30,462 (Thirty Seven Lakh, thirty thousand, four hundred sixty two) saplings were planted. 

On this occasion, respected sister Honeypreet Insan, the daughter of revered Guruji, and Dera Sacha Suada Management also planted saplings at Dera Sacha Sauda. 

Mega Tree Plantation Drive

Mega Event witnessed Mega participation worldwide

The tree plantation drive started at 8:00 a.m. on 14th August 2022, and Dera Sacha Sauda followers in many states, including Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Delhi, Utterakhand, Jharkhand, Bihar, Maharashtra, Gujrat etc, as well as followers at foreign location participated in this mega event.  

Mega Tree Plantation Drive

The volunteers came together with full zeal and vigour and planted saplings at their homes, gardens, parks, fields, colleges and other public places. Following the teachings of Saint Dr Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan, the volunteers once again pledged to take care of the saplings planted, till they matured enough to become a tree. Their enthusiasm to serve the mother earth and reverse climate change was highly appreciable. 

Nature Campaign: Serving Mother Earth through Tree Plantation

It is a well known fact that rampant cutting of trees and high carbon emission have interfered with climatic cycle. The consequential devastating effects are visible in the form of untimely and incessant rains, draughts, extremely hot summers etc. To reverse these effects, Saint Dr Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan launched the Nature Campaign initiative in 2007 and urged all the Dera Sacha Suada followers to celebrate 15th August, Guruji’s Birthday, by planting trees. Guruji also urged them to celebrate their own special days like anniversary, birthdays etc. by planting trees.

Mega Tree Plantation Drive

Following Guruji’s guidance, till date millions of trees have been planted by Dera Sacha Sauda followers across the world. Not only do they plant them, but also take care of the saplings till they grow up to become trees. More than 80% of the trees planted are thriving due to their efforts. 

Mega Tree Plantation Drive

This has helped convert many parched desert lands into green pastures and many beautiful species of birds, useful insects and animals have started flourishing. The delicate balance of ecosystem is gradually being restored with the efforts of Dera Sacha Sauda followers. 

Guinness World Records for Tree Plantation  

It is worth mentioning that till date three Guinness World Records have been set up by Dera Sacha Sauda for tree plantation. These are as follows:

  • 15th August 2009: 9 lakh 38 thousand 7 saplings were planted in just one hour
  • 15 August 2009: 68 lakh 73 thousand 451 saplings were planted in 8 hours
  • 15th August 2011: 19,45,535 saplings were planted by Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers in just one hour
Mega Tree Plantation Drive

Hats off to Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan for these noble teachings; great applauds to the devotees of Dera Sacha Sauda for working tirelessly and inspiring others with these massive welfare works. Let us also pledge to plant maximum trees and help restore the delicate ecological balance of Mother Earth. 

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