Welfare Works

“Save Birds This Summer”- A Beautiful Message by Little Kids of Shah Satnam Ji Girls School, Sirsa

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The rising temperature is posing a challenge to every person to come out of their homes. But what about the little birds who are bound to live under the open sky?

Though we have access to water, and shade and can cover up from direct sun rays, still the summers are making us wilt. Imagine the situation of animals and birds roaming outside! They roam outside without having proper shelter and have almost no sustenance. Shouldn’t we come up to help them survive in this burning season?

To give a message of saving birds, little girls of Shah Satnam Ji Girls School, Sirsa, came forward. These girls from the primary wing installed earthen pots at different places under the bird rescue campaign, “Bird Nurturing” initiated by Revered Saint Dr. Gurmeet ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan.  

The point to contemplate here is that these schools started by Revered Saint Dr. MSG are not just instilling educational excellence but also filling spiritual and humanitarian values among students. This hallmark of strengthening roots from the very beginning is worth witnessing and admiring as well.

It’s the result of these valuable and impactful teachings that the little girls of UKG class come up to give a message to society of saving birds from scorching summers and helping them to survive. Besides installing these clay pots, these girls also brought grains for the birds to satiate their hunger.

There was a unique type of happiness on the faces of the girl students after being a part of the Save Birds campaign. Under the guidance of school teachers, the girls also painted with different colors outside the pots and also painted ‘MSG’ beautifully on them. 

Along with this, these little girls took a pledge that they would keep the bird feeders on the roofs of their houses too, and would pour water and gains for them daily.

Talking about their passion, the Principal of Shah Satnam Ji Girls School, Sirsa, Ms. Sheela Poonia said that it’s all the teachings of Revered Guruji that students are inspiring society. She admired the little girls of the primary wing for placing varied bird feeders in several places and said that all girls studying there are always ahead in the work of humanity. In the elementary classes of the school, the girl students have been taught the lesson of doing good work as well. 

These little creatures need our little help in this hot season more than any other season or time in the year. The consistent climate change, temperature rise, and heavy construction activities in every city are making it difficult for birds to find water and grains.

Feeding them and providing water is surely a real lifeline for them. Let us make this season a little easier for these beautiful birds. They can survive at the mercy of humans and if we as human beings, don’t realize our duties then it’s a big bolt on upcoming blessings and frankly, we don’t deserve the title of humans then.

With the inspiration of Baba Ram Rahim Ji, the volunteers place bird feeders at various locations to help these little creatures survive. While placing bird feeders keep in mind to place them in the higher places from where they can see them easily even from the distance. Also, find a place that is safe from roaming cats or other predators.

This initiative by little girls is truly an inspiration for all. With these small steps, we can save countless birds every day. The noble deeds, no matter how small it is, provide immense happiness and satisfaction in return.

Let us do this practice regularly and save birds with our little endeavors.

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