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Welfare Works

Tribal Re-integration and Emancipation By Dera Sacha Sauda

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In the Kotra and Jhadol Tehsils of Udaipur district, the tribals were living in a world of delusion, poverty and disease. While addiction to Mahua liquor and iiliteracy were near universal, lack of hygiene and an anomalous social code were the other glaring problems.

tribal1Guruji was moved by their plight while on adrought relief mission and vowed to work for their betterment. A sustained door to door campaign of aid distribution was carried out to befriend the intrinsically hostile and violent populace. Following that, a series of Satsangs- in which meditation was taught and the tribals pledged to give up liquor, non-vegetarian diet and immoral conduct. A few hundred dedicated volunteers stayed back to conduct the hygiene and sanitation projects where the tribals were taught to bathe, observe cleanliness and follow a dress code.

In the vocational rehabilitation scheme, their women were trained in the art of weaving and the products bought back by the Dera. For this Dera Sacha Sauda gave them 300 wooden looms in june/july 2001 & 500 iron looms in december 2002. The men folk were trained in dry agriculture and water management. The children were enthused and inspired to attend schools. Free looms were provided to the womenfolk to ensure their empowerment and a regular income.

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